Real Estate Rentals - services & business advice
official network member office rental France |
Since 2010, Real Estate Rental
is a consulting company specializing in outsourcing corporate
resources, whether it's offices for rent, domiciliation, or external administrative services. In 2025, we opened new business centers for our clients, a flower delivery Company in Sweden, specialized in international florists network. Another one of our international client is located in Moscow, a group of Russian florists that send bouquets throughout Russia. Update 2021: Our activities are expanding throughout France, especially in Lyon. Since January 15, 2021, we are pleased to offer our functional premises to flower shops in Lyon, enabling them to manage their flower delivery business throughout France! With state-of-the-art computer equipment and premises specifically designed for new economy enterprises, Real Estate Rental is able to provide this company with a quick, responsive, and innovative structure, allowing it to be operational immediately. |